About SAFE!
SAFE! is an independent charity providing support to children and families around the Thames Valley who have been affected by crime or abuse through one-to-one and group sessions. We strive to be truly accessible and inclusive, no matter your personal circumstances, identity or background.CHARITY NUMBER: 1143532
SAFE! has three core services for children and families living anywhere in the Thames Valley:
The Support After Crime & Abuse Service provides support to children aged 5 up to 18 who have been harmed by an experience of victimisation.
The Building Respectful Families Service provides support to families experiencing Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA).’
The SASH Bucks project provides support after abuse and sexual harm to children and families living in Buckinghamshire.
For details on how to refer, please visit our Routes to Help page
SAFE! also offers training for professionals.
We use interpretation services whenever required to ensure we can meet the needs of any young person or parent/carer. We can help if you have any special requirements to access our support.
You can find SAFE! on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and TikTok, under the handle @safesupportyp or on Facebook under AboutSafeProject
You can view our Safeguarding Policy here, and to view more of our core policies please visit our policies padlet
4 December 2024
We are launching a campaign to raise awareness of the experiences of young victims of crime, some of whom wait for up to 5 years from report to court. See our CAMPAIGNS page to find out more
4 October 2024
We are holding a conference on Wednesday 4 December at the Leonardo Hotel in Oxford. From Harm to Healing: Improving Responses to Young Victims of Crime.
Join us for a day of inspiring speakers, panel discussions and workshops focused on creating positive change for children affected by crime.
Head over to our Training page under Routes to Help for more details.
6 June 2024
We are delighted to share that SAFE! has successfully achieved Level 1 Trusted Standard Accreditation awarded by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations!
Thank you to all the Staff and Trustees involved with the assessment process.
15 April 2024
The CYP Support After Crime and Abuse Service is now open to referrals via Victims First Hub. This service funded through a new contract with the Police and Crime Commissioner, and replaces the Young Victim Service which was previously run by SAFE! The new service includes the following:
- 121 support sessions offering emotional and practical support to overcome the impact of crime
- Advocacy and support through the criminal justice system with our ChIDSVAs (Children’s Independent Domestic & Sexual Violence Advocates)
- Counselling support service
- Varied groupwork programmes, including DAY programme and PAACE Recovery Toolkit
- Trips and activities during the school holidays
- Digital and online support – Text Support Service, webinars and online content
- Distinct support for parents/carers including through our Parent/Caregiver Support Group
Professionals and parents/carers will be able to refer a child who might benefit from SAFE! support via Victims First - see Get Support for the new referral link.
Young people can access our support directly by calling our helpline.
31 January 2024
From 1 February 2024 SAFE! will temporarily close to new referrals into the Young Victim Service. This pause in accepting referrals will help us to prepare for the launch of a new service from April 2024, which will include different referral routes and processes.
Young people can still access support from the ChIDSVA service (Children’s Independent Domestic & Sexual Violence Advocates) where they have experienced abuse within an intimate relationship or sexual harm and are seeking support on reporting this to the police or have an impending court date. Support for this can be accessed by contacting our helpline 0800 1337938 or emailing safe@safeproject.org.uk
Professionals seeking support for children and families may find helpful information on our service directory which contains contact details and links for alternative support providers across the Thames Valley. Referrers can contact via email at safe@safeproject.org.uk for information relating to support for young people referred in before 31 January.
In the first instance please refer to the service directory for support options, however, if you require further advice and guidance then please contact the Victims First team via their website www.victims-first.org.uk or by calling their helpline on 0300 1234 148
Further information about the new referral processes will be sent out in due course.
Building Respectful Families and SASH Bucks remain open for referrals as normal.
Training News for 2024;
Along with our popular Foundation level Protective Behaviours course, we are now offering 2 new courses:
- Protective Behaviours Principles and Strategies
- Protective Behaviours Principles and Strategies into Practice.
These 2 courses make up the full Foundation level, however, the Principles and Strategies can be delivered as a standalone course/unit, with the PB into Practice unit completed at a later date if required.
Along with these 2 new courses we are also offering PB workshops exploring how PBs can support specific themes/topics, and areas of practice. These workshops are ideal for those who have completed their Foundation course or will be attending the new Principles and Strategies course.
We also have a new Protective Behaviours taster session for those individuals, managers or organisations who would like to find out more and explore how PBs can fit and support the objectives and ethos of your organisation.
Full course information can be found on the training page which can be found by clicking here or under the Get Help tab. Discounts are offered for whole organisation/team bookings. Please get in touch for a no obligation discussion.
September 2023
The Building Respectful Families Service are now accepting requests for support for families affected by Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence to Abuse (CAPVA). Thanks for the National Lottery for funding this important work for another three years.
April 2023
The Building Respectful Families Service has paused taking new referrals for families affected by Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence to Abuse (CAPVA).
Whilst we are waiting for confirmed funding, we are currently prioritising work with children and families on our current waiting list. We remain hopeful that we will be able to re-open for referrals again in the Summer. Please check our website for more information and for updates about this.
In the meantime, we are still able to provide limited advice and guidance to families affected by CAPVA and remain open to direct contact from families themselves. Parents and caregivers can contact us via email at brf@safeproject.org.uk or by phone 01865 58 24 95 to arrange a discussion with a BRF practitioner to provide information about CAPVA and offer advice, guidance, and signposting.
January 2023
SAFE! has a parent and caregivers support group starting soon. To find out more, see our leaflet
December 21 2022
Referrals for all SAFE! services are now closed over the winter break. We will re-open to referrals on Thursday 5 January.
September 2022
Referrals have reopened for the Young Victim Service, Building Respectful Families and our new SASH Bucks service for children and families affected by domestic abuse or sexual harm in Buckinghamshire. Please visit the 'Routes to help' page to find out more
The SASH MK project has now closed due to lack of funding.
May 2022
SAFE! has released a Service Evaluation Report of our Building Respectful Families (BRF) intervention. This was undertaken by an independent researcher and completed over a two-year period, using a mixed-methods approach which included data analysis and in-depth interviews with children, young people, caregivers, and practitioners involved in the intervention. The report highlights the impact of the BRF service and how the team are helping families affected by CAPVA. Read the full report here here
1 April 2022
We have spaces on our next two DAY programmes in Oxfordshire - an online group for children over 11 who have lived with domestic abuse. This multi-media programme explores healthy and unhealthy relationships in a fun and engaging way, and gives opportunities for peer support. The first programme, running from May is aimed at young people who identify as LGBTQA+. The second programme running from late June includes a two-night residential trip for young women who have experienced abuse within a romantic relationship. For more information email kristie.waller@safeproject.org.uk
November 2021
SAFE! has published our Impact Report for 2021 which details the work of the organisation between April 2020 and March 2021. You can read the report here
September 1 2021
SAFE! and AVMKSAASS have come together to provide a specialist service tailored to the needs of Children and Young People living in Milton Keynes. Our aim is to support Children, and Young People age 5 + by delivering a responsive, individually tailored specialist support service in Milton Keynes to those who have been affected by rape, sexual assault, and abuse. Both organisations are passionate about the work they do and believe that children and young people deserve access to specialist support during vulnerable or troubled phases of their lives. Early intervention is crucial for healthy emotional development, giving the chance for the developing brain to fire synaptic networks into life and learn to regulate stress responses.
For further information please call SASH helpline 07546 561186
We are also now open for referrals into all of our services.
August 2021
SAFE! practitioners have been putting together resources and ideas to help other professionals supporting children and young people. Check out our Tools for Professionals page
July 2020
SAFE! has today released a new Safestories video which explores coercion and control in a teenage relationship. Working with teachers at the Cherwell School in Oxford we have created PSHE teaching resources differentiated for key stages 3 and 4 to accompany the video. You can watch the video here.
To request a copy of the teaching resources for free please complete this form
May 2020
SAFE! has today published a report looking at experiences of peer-on-peer abuse around the Thames Valley following a consultation with young people, parents and professionals.