Training for professionals

SAFE! is an accredited training centre of the Protective Behaviours Consortium CIC (PBC) and delivers several training courses across the Thames Valley throughout the year.

We offer a range of Protective Behaviours training opportunities for professionals. Our training is designed to be as flexible as possible. We recognise the demands and challenges faced by organisations and their workforce. Protective Behaviours training provides a unique opportunity for individuals and teams to gain knowledge and skills in using PBs to suit a  wide variety of interventions, support and develop practice to meet the needs of their client group.

These courses are aimed at professionals working with children and young adults in various capacities. For further details on the courses we offer and dates they are running see below.


Protective Behaviours Taster session

Not yet joined a Protective Behaviours Course? This is the ideal introduction to the key ideas of the Protective Behaviours Process.

  • A good opportunity to find out what it's all about. 
  • Explore how it can support your current work.
  • Find out how PBs can be used in a variety of settings and organisations.
  • Consider why Protective Behaviours can support trauma-informed practices, is solution-focused, promotes good well-being and develops resilience.

This short taster session will provide individuals, managers, service leads and commissioners with an opportunity to explore what Protective Behaviours can offer to you and your teams/organisations as an effective, flexible, adaptable tool, in a wide range of services.


PBC Foundation Level in Protective Behaviours

The Foundation Level Protective Behaviour Course is the leading, most popular course for learning about the Protective Behaviours Process. It provides in-depth knowledge of all the Principles and Strategies and develops an understanding of the practical application of Protective Behaviours in a range of relevant contexts. This is a valuable course for developing professional practice, implementing good safeguarding practices, and to improving personal wellbeing. It is a unique opportunity to understand the 5 elements of protective behaviours along with the practical strategies to implement them. Learners leave this course feeling confident as Protective Behaviours Practitioners.

Progression pathway: PBC Intermediate Level Protective Behaviours Course;  Protective Behaviours workshops.

Aims & Objectives:

  • Recognise the importance of the two themes of Protective Behaviours to support the universal requirement to ‘feel safe’.
  • Be familiar with underpinning concepts and specific Protective Behaviours Strategies to enable individuals to apply these life skills.
  • Recognise the effect of unwritten rules on individual well-being, professional practice and workplace culture.
  • Understand how the use of safe, empowering language is effective in changing attitudes and can help individuals to feel safe.
  • Consider ways of changing practice on a personal level, within the workplace and with service users.
  • Receive “Protective Behaviours: Principles and Strategies” e-manual.

The Foundation level can be achieved by attending the 2-day or equivalent course,


Protective Behaviours Intermediate (Champions) Level Course

The PBC Intermediate Level Protective Behaviours course is offered to people who have completed a Protective Behaviours Foundation Level course. The course provides professional development and progression onto a higher-level Protective Behaviours course. It enables participants to feel more competent as PB practitioners by deepening their understanding of the PB Process. By extending their knowledge and skills they can take on a lead role as a Protective Behaviours ‘Champion’. They will be more able and effective in embedding PBs, not only at a practical level but a strategic and cultural level within teams and organisations.

Champions have a significant role in supporting the continued professional development of colleagues in their workplace and ensuring lifelong learning skills which benefit the individual and organisation.

The Intermediate Level Course is offered with an accredited qualification: The Open College Network West Midlands (OCNWM) Level 2 Award in Workplace Learning Champions.


Course Dates for 2025


Virtual Protective Behaviours Taster session - £15

Monday 13th Fenruary 2025 from 3.00 - 4.30pm

Friday 9th May 2025 from 12.00 - 1.30pm

Thursday 10th July from 9.30 - 11.00am


Foundation Level in Protective Behaviours - £280

23rd & 24th January 2025 in Aylesbury  

17th & 24th March 2025 in Oxford

25th & 26th June 2025 in Slough

7th & 8th October 2025 in Newbury

25th November & 2nd December 2025 in Oxford

These courses run from 10.00am - 4pm on both days.


Virtual Course

16th, 23rd October, 6th & 13th November 2025 from 1.30 - 4.30pm on all 4 days.


We also run whole team trainings, please get in touch to discuss.

For enquiries or to book on to any of our courses please email or call 01865 582495


“Flexible training, very practical and not death by powerpoint” (Secondary teacher)

“The course is extremely insightful, it has made me realise that I can use what I have learnt in various situations with different individuals. The content is very useful” (Student Social Worker)

“One of the best training courses I have been on” (Headteacher, early years)

“The trainer made everything so relevant to my role in working with young people” (Early help practitioner)

“It's a course that makes you think about wellbeing and safety not only in the contexts of young people but also useful for the older individuals” (Social Worker)

SAFE! is an accredited centre of
Protective Behaviours Consortium CIC (PBC)
The National organisation for Protective Behaviours in the UK


Introduction to Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse Training Course - £30

This certified course is an interactive, practical session introducing the themes of Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse. It is designed to raise awareness of CAPVA and provide participants with an opportunity to explore the dynamics of the issue and strategies to support families.

Information will be provided on definitions, background theories, prevalence, risk factors, case studies and behaviour patterns and an overview of models of work will be provided.

The session aims to increase practitioner knowledge of this issue and explore ways to respond, give an example of an intervention and some useful activities for supporting both parents and young people. 

Learning Objectives:

  • To gain an understanding of the dynamics and contexts of CAPVA
  • To gain an overview of background theory, sector statistics and risk factors 
  • To understand the barriers and approaches for engaging families
  • To look at key strategies in supporting families facing CAPVA
  • To increase knowledge about current service provision and developing practice 

Who should attend? 

This half-day (3hrs) course is suitable for all those who currently work with young people or families and wish to further their knowledge on CAPVA. It is suitable for both frontline practitioners and service managers including domestic abuse specialists, youth offending teams, social care & children’s services, police, NHS, youth workers, parenting workers, educationalists etc. Some prior knowledge in relation to understanding of domestic abuse would be beneficial but not essential.

We also offer bespoke training for teams, including more in depth practical approaches to supporting families experiencing Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse.

Contact us for more details


Upcoming course dates

Thursday 6th March 2025 from 9.30 - 12.30

For enquiries or to book on to this course, please email


100% of delegates over the last two years said they would recommend the training to a colleague!

"been to a lot of online training over lockdown but this was genuinely excellent - well done and thank you both muchly!" 

"Brilliant training that has left me wanting more!"

"It was a really powerful and well developed training session for all practitioners - thank you"

"This training was very informative and well delivered! All information was useful and relevant and provided a very detailed insight into the lives of families who experience CVP. Everything was covered, from what it is, the effects to the strategies and the positive impact the interventions can have.